Kerry Kulkens


White Witches are not as Evil as some people think.

Many people regard my family as Witches – White Witches. 

The word ‘Witch' actually means the wise one who has knowledge.

My magic isn't black. It does not call forth the dark forces but enhances and enriches humankind. Its source is varied, originating in Ancient Egyptian, Celtic, Druid, folkloric and family traditions.

Through these web pages I want to share with you the repository of wisdom accumulated by my family through the ages. This wisdom is called magic and this magic is the power of love achieved by way of spells and astrology.

My spells, both ancient and contemporary, have been tried and tested thoroughly. Admittedly some are a little mischievous, but none endanger innocent people and all are quite fun to conduct. Most will benefit you and those you love. I will give you the formulae so you can find out for yourself.

On my Products page you will find some of the intriguing things we stock such as Incense, Candles, Herbs, Spell kits, Crystals, Tarot Cards and Potions to help you create your own magic. If you cannot find what you are looking for just ask as we cannot list all our products on line.

You can check the Horoscope page to learn lots about you and your star sign and every week there is a forecast for each horoscope sign.

To seek advice about your love life, relationships, professional dealings, aspirations, wealth creation or obtain guidance for any problems you feel are preventing you from living your life to the fullest. I invite you to phone for a personal reading with my daughter Sarah at our shop in Belgrave.

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