Kerry Kulkens


Gemstones & Crystals Healing Powers
Extraordinary Quartz
Quartz is an amazing crystal. A tiny piece of quartz can operate microphones, loud speakers and watches.
It transforms stores and amplifies energy. A tiny slice of quartz in a microcircuit can store large amounts of data in the memory of a computer.

Quartz crystal allows us to measure the distance to the moon in seconds, cut through steel or enable delicate eye surgery to be performed.
When you first buy a crystal it should be cleansed. If someone else touches your crystal they leave their own life field on your crystal. So you must cleanse your crystal on purchase or if someone touches it.
Do this by covering the crystal with sea salt for two to seven days or put your crystal in a glass of salt water for the same length of time.
Note: The above can only be done to crystals not set in Jewellery. For items set in jewellery it is best to place them in sandalwood powder.

After your crystal has been cleansed you then have to activate it. This is done by holding your crystal in your left hand. In a short time the crystal will begin to pulse or tingle in your hand and it is then ready to use. Clear Quartz is an overall body energiser and healer. Smokey Quartz helps your concentration. Green Quartz keeps the body balanced. Citrine works on your emotional body. Rose Quartz balances love emotions.

For pain relief: Hold your crystal in your left hand, place your right hand over the pain area. If the pain is on the right side, place left hand with the crystal on the area then grasp the left arm with the right hand. Hold this position for at least half an hour.

When placed in a room, Quartz will cleanse the atmosphere in that room.
If an argument has taken place in a room, place a crystal cluster on the window ledge and this will restore peace and harmony to that room.
Generator Crystals are ideal to use in healing and meditation and advanced telepathic practices. They can be used with people who are mentally or emotionally unbalanced.

Amethyst clusters, single generators and geodes are wonderful and vital additions to a healing collection.

Crystal  Ball Gazing:
This is also called scrying or using the magic mirror. The ability to do this successfully is not an overnight event. Success is achieved only through hard and honest work in all that you do. It will require a lot of determination and a great deal of effort on your part. However once you have achieved this success, the rewards are well worth the efforts. 

You will find that you seem to attract people and radiate a certain glow, and an inner contentment you didn’t know existed. Some people are born with the gift of clairvoyance and find that it will be easy for them to further develop this ability; others will have to really dig deep down and practice an enormous lot to achieve just a small part of clairvoyance.

Either way, even if you never will be able to see anything in the crystal ball, you will have learned how to control your mind better, and how to concentrate on certain issues and to think more positively. Through the ages there have been many people who had proper knowledge of psychic powers and who also knew how to use these powers. Plato, Buddha, George sands, Socrates to name a few. Also there are quite a few references made in the bible about seers and prophets. For instance there was Jacob who saw angels, David who heard a voice so too did mosses.

There are many more instances. Clairvoyance comes from the French and actually means “ clear seeing” this seeing isn’t done with the eye, but with the spiritual eye also known as the third eye.  Now to the nitty gritty of crystal ball gazing. There is no such thing as a pure rock crystal ball formed by nature.

We have an extensive range of Crystals, Gemstones,  Crystals balls and can help you with what you need. Starting Prices for most Gemstones and Crystals is $4.00
Crystal Ball Gazing
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