Kerry Kulkens


Week Commencing: 13.5.24

PISCES: (February 20- March 20)

Lucky Colour: Violet

Lucky Day: Sunday

Racing Numbers:

Lotto Numbers: 

Keep your eye on the job and curb that frivolous tendency to let it all hang out, this is a period of caution in all things. You might not succeed in all your endeavors but something can be tried out later on again. 

For a more in depth reading check out our readings page.

About Pisces:

This idealistic, dreamy, kind and impractical sign needs a lot of understanding. They have a fractured personality which has so many sides and so many moods that they probably don't even understand themselves. Nobody is more kind, thoughtful and caring but they have a tendency to drift away from people and responsibilities. When the going gets rough, they get going!

Being creative, clever and resourceful, these people can achieve a great deal and really reach the top but few of them do. Some Pisceans have a self-destruct button which they press before reaching their goal. Others do achieve success and the motivating force behind this essentially spiritual and mystical sign is often money. Many Pisceans feel insecure, most suffer some experience of poverty at some time in their early lives and they grow into adulthood determined that they will never feel that kind of uncertainty again.

Pisceans are at home in any kind of creative or caring career. Many can be found in teaching, nursing and the arts. Some find life hard and are often unhappy; many have to make tremendous sacrifices on behalf of others. This may be a pattern which repeats itself from childhood, where the message is that the Piscean's needs always come last.

These people can be stubborn, awkward, selfish and quite nasty when a friendship or relationship goes sour. This is because, despite their basically kind and gentle personality, there is a side which needs to be in charge of any relationship. Pisceans make extremely faithful partners as long as the romance doesn't evaporate and their partners treat them well. Problems occur if they are mistreated or rejected, if they become bored or restless of if their alcohol intake climbs over the danger level. The Piscean lover is a sexual fantasist, so in this sphere of life, anything can happen.

Ideal Gifts for Pisces:

PETS: The pet for this sign would definitely be a bowl of goldfish. Definitely no cats, as they would threaten the life of the fish. If a dog was desired, a soulful eye of a spaniel would win their hearts.
CLOTHING: Blue, green, white and red garments would be perfect.
JEWELLERY: Amethyst or emeralds would be ideal if small and dainty

Divorce Rates for Pisces:

Pisces is a fairly restless sign and this might be the main reason for their high rate of divorce. They like to play on people's feelings and want sympathy. Good looks often attract
their attention. The male Pisces likes strong women who are independently wealthy. The Pisces woman likes a softer man who she can mould to her liking. With both sexes, the looks of the partner play an important part in selection. As divorce rates continue to soar, I thought I'd include points to help you select the mate for life. Some signs are positively more prone to divorce than others, so reading this might help you not to err in the marriage stakes. Taurus is the sign with highest divorce rate. The lowest tends to be Virgo or Libra.

Best Lovers for Pisces:

The sentimental Pisces dreams of perfect love both mental and physical. A Capricorn is probably the closest thing to a perfect lover you can get. Both of you are sensual and imaginative in love making and the romantic atmosphere you create so well as a Piscean will suit you both extremely well. Do not trouble taking an interest in a Sagittarius lover as he, or she, would completely frustrate you.
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