Kerry Kulkens


     Week Commencing: 6.5.24

GEMINI: (May 21- June 21)

Lucky Colour:                  Green

Lucky Day:                        Wednesday

Racing Numbers:    

Lotto Numbers:       

There should be a reasonable period for your romantic interludes and new friendships but keep out of the way of irritating people to maintain peace and harmony in your place. Keep your eye open for business deals. 

For a more in depth reading check out our readings page.

About Gemini:

Geminis are often accused of being short on intellect and unable to stick to anyone or anything for long. In a nutshell, great fun at a party but totally unreliable. This is unfair...nobody works harder, is more reliable or capable than Geminis when they put their mind to a task, especially if there is a chance of making large sums of money!

Unfortunately, they have a low boredom threshold and can drift away from something or someone when it no longer interests them. They like to be busy with plenty of variety in their lives and the opportunity to communicate with others. Their forte lies in the communications industry where they shamelessly pinch ideas and improve on them. Many Geminis are highly ambitious people who won't allow anything or anyone to stand in their path.

They are surprisingly constant in relationships, often marrying for life but if it doesn't work out, they will walk out and put the experience behind them. Geminis need relationships and if one fails, they will soon start looking for the next. Faithfulness is another story however, because the famous Gemini curiosity can lead to any number of adventures. Geminis educate their children well while neglecting to see whether they have a clean shirt. The house is full of books, videos, televisions, CDs, newspapers and magazines and there's a phone in every room!

Ideal Gifts for Gemini:

PETS: A Poodle. These little dogs are almost human, are full of energy and intelligence and are well suited to the Gemini.
CLOTHING: Violet or multicolour garments look good on Geminis
JEWELLERY: Anything with pearl, crystal and aquamarine.

Divorce Rates for Gemini:
As this sign is often argumentative and gets into quarrels, it is not surprising that Geminis divorce more than average. You are in love with change so you make changes often. If you come from a happy home you have more change in marriage, but often your temper and fickle mind finds you in the divorce courts. The Gemini man wants to be the boss and if he first someone willing to share this belief, he will settle happily into marriage. The Gemini woman is often in search of a father figure and she often marries a man considerably older.

Best Lovers for Gemini:
The twin sign of Gemini is a complicated personality. On one hand you want excitement and romance, and on the other stability and permanence. It is not uncommon for some Geminis to conduct two love affairs simultaneously with success, probably to two completely different partners. An Aquarian is a good love partner for Gemini, as they usually keep you interested with their mystery. You would most likely be bored stiff by a Taurus. Their slow love making would not appeal to you.
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